We offer FREE standard shipping on all orders within the USA. Once your order is placed, your new Motola will be shipped to you on USPS carrier with an expected delivery of 3 to 5 business days. We always try our best to get it going to you ASAP but on the most busy scenarios, please note that dispatching time could go up to 3 business days.
All the items are shipped from our facility in Miami, FL.
At the time we don´t ship to other countries besides USA. If you wish to have more international info please visit
Online shopping can be a little challenging sometimes but we will gladly help with all your questions and concerns. Fell free to inquire about sizes, colors, weight and other details about your products. If you need so, we can send pictures and videos of the items you are willing to buy before placing your order.
Since our products are 100% handmade, slight irregularities are not to be regarded as defects. We stand for our quality and carefully inspect and Q&A approve every item prior to be dispatched.
We do not offer refunds for change of mind, wrong-fit purchases or color ideals (colors may vary on each computer or mobile). Refunds will only be issued if the product is faulty.
Doesn't happen often, but if you need to claim for Faulty product return, we offer 7 business days after the arrival of your item to claim your guarantee. We are not responsible for the misuse or abuse you give to your items.
For returns policy process and other questions, contact us:
Many thanks for your preference and happy shopping!